Try New Things Together

Research demonstrates that sharing new experiences together strengthens and sustains relationships. That's true; all it takes to keep things interesting in your relationship is a little effort to find new things to do. Fortunately, this effort can be enjoyable for both of you!

Here are a few suggestions on how you and your boo might experiment with new things.

  • Exercise together. 

  • Going for a walk every day.

  • Sexting, etc. 

Never underrate the importance of spending quality time with your boo. Togetherness and happiness may be sparked through having fun. Jokes, humorous movies, or anything else that makes you both happy can re-ignite and strengthen your passion for each other.

Do One Nice Thing for Each Other Daily

Relationships are made up of the simple things. Grand gestures have their time and place, yes, but it's the simple, thoughtful, and consistent, ones that mean the most: those just-because actions you do to let your boo know you don't take them for granted. These small things can bring a little serenity into the chaotic world you both live in.

Never Go to Bed Angry

“A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh words stirs up dissension” - Proverbs 15:1

The reason many couples experience conflict is because their expectations aren’t being met and their egos are more important than the relationship. Every couple needs to know how to manage conflict to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. You can’t afford to leave your relationship to chance. No one has ever achieved anything significant without being intentional.

Here are couple tips you can apply immediately to help you manage conflict in your relationship.

  • Be Humble

  • Listen without interrupting

A Lot of conflict can be resolved in a relationship if both people... Click here for more tips on how to manage conflict.

Be Present

Being present is crucial for a successful relationship.

An authentic connection is created when two people make a conscious cooperative effort to enjoy each other by being themselves with one another; without distractions, interruptions, or interference. It’s important to not allow past offences or future concerns to threaten what you presently have.

You must first be aware of yourself in order to enjoy such a rewarding experience. We all need the ability to participate in the moment with true delight and passion. However to do this, devoid of doubt, regrets, or fear, might take some time. So, give yourself and your boo a little grace as you build this muscle.

When you this approach to your relationships, it enables you to concentrate on the ones that are significant to you, especially your boo.

Discover more ways on how to improve your listening skills in an intimate relationship, here

Operate as a Team

Relationship collaboration refers to a sense of cooperation, support, and unification in a variety of areas, such as money, parenting, household duties, sex, and emotional closeness. Relationship cooperation often demands deliberate effort from both parties as well as a readiness to share power on all issues

Because we are so in love during the beginning of a relationship, we naturally form teamwork. But as time passes, that feeling of community disintegrates, and when it does, everything else follows. The physical connection also disappears when we don't feel emotionally connected. How much a couple feels like a team is critical to the success of their relationship.

Read this article posted on how to work well with your husband, written by a licensed psychotherapist.

Remember, if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing this relationship thing right!

With love, 

Colleen x La Vance


p.s. Join our growing community and follow us on social media at @wooyourboo.


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